Dark Angel Doll Project

In Dec. of 2001 I did my first Fan Doll project which got it’s final update in November of 2003. I attempted to recreate the characters from Dark Angel in Barbie form. It wasn’t nearly as involved as the Weasley Project. I almost didn’t list it under Projects because I didn’t really ‘make’ anything, I didn’t even do any repaints. It was just a series of re-dresses and the mixing and matching accessories. however,it was the first doll project I ever put on the internet and I feel their was a certain creativity in that worth archiving.

Unlike the Weasley Project, I wrote up advertisements for the dolls as if they were real products for sale (with the disclaimer that they weren’t actually in production or for sale). I’m reproducing those pages here.

Dolls In the Project

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Welcome to RhondaWeasley.com. Dawn is a writer, theatre artist, and film maker. She loves to create and be a part of the creative. This is my webspace playground, for blogging, displaying my work, and general all-around fan fun.
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