So lots of crazy things happened….

I graduated college for one, yay me, I got a B.S. in Theatre Studies at 34 years old. It’s been a big couple of years. At this moment I am doing two things (well three kinda). I am the videography intern at Wolf Trap Opera Company, I am working on a WebSeries due to launch in September, and I am on a weight loss mission….yes again, be quiet. But the webseries thing is the most important. So I’m going to be tidying up around here and making more announcements about that soon. But if you want to see a really boring website with no content yet (okay my photoshop banner is cool in my opinion).


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Welcome to Dawn is a writer, theatre artist, and film maker. She loves to create and be a part of the creative. This is my webspace playground, for blogging, displaying my work, and general all-around fan fun.
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