Archive for the ‘Dark Angel’ Category

When he needed me

Asha’s love Logan for most of her life, but can he ever get over the love that he lost? Read This

A Night at Alec’s

Original Cindy drops by Alec’s place and finds Asha there along with many more surprises that she hadn’t bargained for. Read This

X5 Son # 2: Scattered Pictures

Continuing the journey started in X5 son #1, Jondy and company arrive at the Ranch and begin deprogramming Zack. But Jondy quickly discovers Zack isn’t the only one who has to deal with burried memories. Read This

X5 Son #1: Mission Mom and Dad

Case and a boy named Colin with a link to X5 travel to Seattle to find their parents. Jondy comes after the runaway boys and finds out what happened to Zack, which leads to conflict with Max. Read This

The Young Original Cindy Series

15 year old Original Cindy meets Diamond and has the path of her life changed forever. Read This

Everything that Shouldn’t Happen

Asha, Alec, Cindy, and Max all get themselves tangled in very interesting situations. Read This

Comfort Zone

Sequel to “However Unlikely”. Set 3 weeks after the events of “However Unlikely”. Max finds herself unexpectedly jealouse of Asha’s intimate relationship with Original Cindy. Asha deals with the backlash of the boys club in the S1W when her new relationship is revealed and wonders if her relationship has value beyond the bedroom. And Logan finds himself akwardly caught in the middle of these events. Read This

However Unlikely

Friendship springs up between Asha and Original Cindy. And the already complex love triangle between Asha, Max, and Logan finds a new twist. Read This

A Night of Pain

Max seeks warmth from Original cindy when the years of pain come crashing down around her. Read This

The Lost Son

In Zack’s young life, there was a woman named Jane Doyle. She was the first to love him. Read This

Welcome to Dawn is a writer, theatre artist, and film maker. She loves to create and be a part of the creative. This is my webspace playground, for blogging, displaying my work, and general all-around fan fun.
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